Thursday, April 3, 2008

MLB Picks Sure To Be Wrong

Here are our division and wild card picks for the upcoming MLB season, which we mentioned in our 1st podcast.

Brendan's Picks
NL East: Braves AL East: Red Sox
NL Central: Reds AL Central: Indians
NL West: Dodgers AL West: Mariners
NL Wild Card: Phillies AL Wild Card: Tigers

Jason's Picks
NL East: Phillies AL East: Red Sox
NL Central: Cubs AL Central: Tigers
NL West: Dodgers AL West: Mariners
NL Wild Card: Mets AL Wild Card: Indians


Canney said...

I wholeheartedly agree that brendan's predictions are the better of the two.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe either of you didn't take Los Angeles Angels or Chicago White Sox. Time will tell!

Rick's Picks